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What we've been able to report on Spider-Man since last fall is that Marvel was looking for a younger actor to step into the role of Peter Parker to capitalize on a time period in Spider-Man's life that has been underplayed on screen. This new, younger Peter Parker will be able to spend some time in high school before venturing out into the greater world.

Butterfield will presumably make his first appearance in Civil War next May followed by a solo Spider-Man movie with Sony and MCU characters on July 28th 2017. Rumors have Sony and Marvel planning to strike while the Spider-Man iron is hot beyond those two announced releases, but confirmable details are not available at this time.

His previous credits include: Bruno in 'The Boy in The Striped Pajamas', Hugo Cabret in Scorsese's 'Hugo' and Ender Wiggins in 'Ender's Game'.